Time To Catch Up!

Here’s what’s new, true and just for you!


Return of the Listeners: A Remembering Story. This audio is a story I received in meditation about listening to our beyond human kin. You’ll feel relief and more connection as you discover you’re not alone in this journey towards true kinship. Listen to this short clip. Find out more here.


On The Podcast:

Animals, Clouds & True Kinship, Oh My! - top all time rated episode. What if a cloud was your pet???

Kinship, Intuition & Integration - In this episode we’re talking about some changes we humans can make in practicing true kinship with animals.

Do you have a true kinship story to share? I bet the listeners would love to hear it! There’s an open call for listeners to submit their true kinship story for consideration on the podcast.


Explore The Blog

Intuition, Imagination, Relationship & Integration - A true story about integrating a new dog into the family.

The Gotcha Tree - Another true story, this one about a brutally honest tree. An experience I neither expected nor relish at the time.


Support The Free Teachings

Every week you find my free teachings teachings on social. These are free because I want to nurture the practice of community and collaboration as best I can in a society that values power-over, competition and individualism. 

I honor the integrity and wisdom of the teachings as well as the time I have spent learning, tending and passing them forward. I ask if you are in a position to pay for them that you do so in a reciprocal exchange of energy. Thank you!


Looking For A Mother’s Day Gift?


Podcast Ep. 40: Permission To Not Know Everything