Podcast Ep 19: A Language For Animals

Originally Published May 31, 2022

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Welcome to True Kinship with Animals: In Short, a mini podcast that gives you bite sized tidbits of true kinship in 3 minutes or less. I’m your host Janet Roper.

The online aspect of my work is given readily and is free to consume. AND time and labor are involved to create, write, research, verify, provide commentary and community and promote that work. Your financial support makes my work sustainable and allows me to continue providing you with the pro bono resources I offer, this podcast being only one of them. Your support of my work by making a financial contribution or shopping my wish list at janetroper.com shows your appreciation and is greatly welcomed. You’ll also find the link on the show page for your convenience.

Hello folx, I hope you are doing well today! Today we’re talking about using purposeful language with animals. For instance, stay away from the words ‘owner’ and ‘pet’ and be conscious of the pronouns you use, avoiding ‘it’.


The words we use with animals is a reflection of our relationship with them.

I believe we are at a critical juncture in our relationship with animals and that we need to make changes. Becoming aware of the words we use with and about animals is one way to start making those changes.

We are stuck using outdated, inadequate and incorrect words like ‘pet’ and ‘owner’. The problem with words like that is by simple definition they set up a hierarchy of power-over animals, instead of one of true kinship.

Think about it. The word ‘owner’ is possessive, indicating that someone or something belongs to you. The word ‘pet’ implies the animal does not have their own agency and must be taken care of. These words sets up a hierarchical relationship placing humans ‘above’ animals, blinding us to the mutual true kinship relationship that is possible

I invite you to start becoming aware of the words you use with animals. Once you are aware of that, the next step is to begin to change it. How do you do that? Here are some ways to start:


  • Be kind to yourself. You’ve been using this language your entire life. It’s not going to change overnight

  • Make notes when you find yourself doing this. Look for patterns or situations that precipitate the old languaging pattern

Give it a try and see for yourself what happens!

My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. Want to find out more visit janetroper.com

Thanks for listening to this mini podcast! I’d love to hear if you find this format helpful - leave a comment on the show page or contact me. 

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Just for today remember: We all do better when all creatures do better. Until next week, take good care!


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