Podcast Ep. 24: When It Comes To Fireflies

Originally published June 20, 2022

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Welcome to True Kinship with Animals: In Short, a mini podcast that gives you bite sized tidbits of true kinship in 3 minutes or less. I’m your host Janet Roper.

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In a recent intuitive journey I was taken back to a favorite Midwestern childhood memory. Summer evenings were a pleasant time, adults gathering on the porch to talk and kids running and playing in the yard.

Many nights the adults would give us glass jars and tell us to go catch fireflies - or lightening bugs as we called them.

It was a competition to see who could catch the most. Afterwards we kids would stand in a line, shaking the jars to get the lightening bugs to light up.

And then, as can happen in intuitive journeys, the scene changed to a REALLY BIG LIGHTENING BUG with a glass jar, chasing us tiny kids around the yard, capturing us and shaking the jar until we started screaming.

The journey turned the tables so that I experienced an insect taking away my agency and having power over my destiny. Whether I was to live or die, and if I were to live, what my life would be like. 

I mention this as a reminder that what we humans may see as an OK way to be with animals, the animals, in their own agency, may not experience it like that at all.

If you are able to look at your shared experiences with animals, particularly insects, through different eyes, I encourage you to do so. Many of our interactions are unconscious because they have been imposed on us by a society that declares humans have dominion over animals, especially insects. Check out the book “The Voice of the Infinite in the Small: Re-Visioning the Insect-Human Connection” by Joanne Elizabeth Lauck if you’re intrigued by the insect-human relationship.

I hope this encourages you to look at your relationship with animals differently so that a new place of understanding begins to open for you, allowing you to identify your internalized narratives and guiding principles with animals. 

My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. Want to find out how to work with me or more about my work visit janetroper.com

Thanks for listening to this mini podcast! If you liked what you have heard, you can support this podcast by making a financial contribution, leaving a comment, giving the show a like, a follow and/or a share. You’ll find links on the show page or at janetroper.com

Just for today remember: We all do better when all creatures do better. Until next time, take good care!


Podcast Ep 25: The Cat Who Claimed Her Name


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