Podcast Ep 32: Bridging The Gap

Originally published August 2, 2022

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Welcome to True Kinship with Animals: In Short, a mini podcast that gives you bite sized tidbits of true kinship in 3 minutes or less. I’m your host Janet Roper.

I want to start by saying thank you to the listeners,  supporters and all who have engaged with this podcast. TKWA is gently making its way into the world, thanks to you. I appreciate how you have organically shared this podcast with your community. If you’re so inclined, I ask you to continue helping me share this dream with the world at large. Thank you!

Here’s a dilemma: It’s hard to bridge the gap of being an ethical, authentic person who is willing to stand with animals in a world that denies them their agency. Yet those realities do coexist.

Since I started practicing true kinship, I notice that more often. Not only do I recognize the false expectations our society places on us, I have started following them to their natural conclusions.

For instance:

  • We have been told places like zoos and aquariums are essential to the long-term survival of many species. We’re told as we learn about them, we are helping to create a better world for them. Yet we are the ones who ignored their agency and took them from their world to be put on display in a new world.

If humans had not originally intervened, these institutions may not have become so prevalent in our society. Yet I am not judging them. In our world they are necessary and care for and help hundreds of thousands of animals. I AM adding a layer of conversation about the integrity of our actions.

How can we coexist with that duality as principled people ?

Here are some ideas you might find helpful:

  1. Accept the complexities of being an animal person in today’s society. 

  2. Ask yourself about context. If you see one of those memes that tells you the animal has a special message for you, I encourage you to dig deeper.The truth of the matter is, unless you and Charlie the Inch Worm already have an established relationship, most probably they have other things on their mind than being your guru.

  3. Claim your own agency. Maybe it’s working with a gentle trainer instead of a trainer that uses harsh methods. Maybe it’s exploring your feelings that are evoked whenever you see one of those “poor helpless animals” ads. When you are coming from your own truth and agency you are bridging the gap between those realities.

Here’s an invitation for you to join me on this path. My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. I hope this encourages you to look at your relationship with animals differently so that a new place of understanding begins to open for you.

My online work is given readily and is free to consume. AND time and labor are involved. Your financial support makes my work sustainable and allows me to continue providing you with the pro bono resources I offer, such as this podcast. Supporting my work by making a financial contribution or shopping my wish list at janetroper.com shows your appreciation and is greatly welcomed. Thank you for your continued support and for listening to this podcast!

Just for today remember: We all do better when all creatures do better. Until next time, take good care!


Podcast Ep 33: Infantilizing Animals


Podcast Ep 31: Co-existing With Animals