Podcast Ep. 39: Resistance As Relationship

Originally published September 27, 2022

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Welcome to True Kinship with Animals: In Short, a mini podcast that gives you bite sized tidbits of true kinship in 3 minutes or less. I’m your host Janet Roper.

Thank you for engaging with this podcast by listening, subscribing, sharing and making a financial contribution or shopping my wish list. Your participation makes my work sustainable and is ever so much appreciated! To support my work, you’ll find links on the show page or visit janetroper.com

Do you ever struggle being in true kinship with animals? Maybe you see true kinship as a heightened way to be with animals and you’re afraid you don’t have what it takes to “attain” it.

If you live in a colonized society like the United States, you are systemically taught that humans have dominion over animals. Colonized cultural, religious and societal expectations are that humans will abide by those principles and all that is involved.The result denies and deprives animals of their agency, leaving no room for true kinship.

However, even in colonized societies there are pockets of folx who resist those standardized rules. These folx love, honor and respect animals, recognizing that animals have their own experiences and lives to live. To these folx animals are kin and they are willing to ignore the colonized demand for dominion over them. These folx are willing to do what is needed to be in relationship with instead of power over the animals.

Because you’re listening to this podcast, I know you are someone that whether consciously are unconsciously, resists the belief that humans have dominion over animals.

Kudos to you!

You may not see yourself as a rule breaker or maverick, as a matter of fact you may actively believe you’re an easy going soul who goes with the flow. Yet here are some common ways of resistance:

  • adapting a holistic approach to your animal pal’s care

  • recognizing the shared reality we have with animals

  • acknowledging animals have their own agency and we aren’t entitled to be in relationship with them simply because we want to be

Resistance to the commonly accepted ways of interacting with animals is a form of relationship, and that, my friends, is definitely a step towards true kinship!

Support This Podcast

Here’s an invitation for you to join me on this path of true kinship with animals. My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. I hope this encourages you to look at your relationship with animals differently so that a new place of understanding begins to open for you.

Your financial support makes my work sustainable and allows me to continue providing you with the pro bono resources I offer, such as this podcast. Supporting my work by making a financial contribution or shopping my wish list at janetroper.com shows your appreciation and is greatly welcomed. Thank you for your continued support and for listening to this podcast!

Just for today remember: We all do better when all creatures do better. Until next time, take good care!


Sitting On The Fence


Intuition, Imagination, Relationship & Integration