Podcast Ep. 40: Permission To Not Know Everything

Originally published October 6, 2022

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Welcome to True Kinship with Animals: In Short, a mini podcast that gives you bite sized tidbits of true kinship in 3 minutes or less. I’m your host Janet Roper.

Thank you for engaging with this podcast by listening, subscribing, sharing and making a financial contribution or shopping my wish list. Your participation makes my work sustainable and is ever so much appreciated! To support my work, you’ll find links on the show page or visit janetroper.com

Let’s talk about relationship struggles with animals, because.…struggles happen. I bet you can name a couple you’ve had!

Your animal pal is a part of your family. You wanting to do right by them is only natural - and thank you for that! Yet when you take sole responsibility to decide what’s best for them, you can find yourself uncertain and second guessing yourself, which is exhausting for everyone.

Let me share a story with you...

Since cat Raven came into the family, every single time we have moved he has made a very big production of not being sure he wants to move with us. His logic is always “I want to be here, not there”.

I’m very thankful he has always decided to move with us.

In circumstances like this I always struggle. Am I doing right by him? I’m the human, I know what’s best, shouldn’t I just pack him up and move him along with the boxes? 


Of course there are many contributing factors to what needs to be a very nuanced conversation. Yet one factor that is easily overlooked is the animal’s own agency. 

I realized when I think I’m the only one capable of making decisions I am denying Raven his agency.

In situations like this I find it invaluable to settle down, quiet myself and ask the hard question “How am I denying Raven his agency?”. 

This is an ongoing process - some days it’s 3 steps forward and 1 step back, other days it’s 0 steps forward and 7 steps back. True kinship is about meeting animals where they are, AND it’s also meeting yourself where you are and tending to yourself so that when you are with animals,  you are more of your authentic self.

Here’s an invitation for you to join me on this path of true kinship with animals. My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. I hope this encourages you to look at your relationship with animals differently so that a new place of understanding begins to open for you.

Your financial support makes my work sustainable and allows me to continue providing you with the pro bono resources I offer, such as this podcast. Supporting my work by making a financial contribution or shopping my wish list at janetroper.com shows your appreciation and is greatly welcomed. Thank you for your continued support and for listening to this podcast!

Just for today remember: We all do better when all creatures do better. Until next time, take good care!


Time To Catch Up!


Animals Own Their Experiences