That Gooey Mess of Change

Have you ever been going about your everyday, ordinary life where something drama-worthy happens and you notice you respond in a drastically different way? Instead of getting melodramatic and emotionally charged, you simply change course and go about life as normal. All of this with about as much attachment as when you step over the sleeping dog.

Isn’t that a magnificent feeling? When that happens to me I feel like I’m ADULTING and DESERVE a few gold stars. What’s your response?

Or how about this….you’re going about your everyday, ordinary life when something drama-worthy happens and you don’t have the foggiest idea how to respond? You are choosing not to respond in ways you have in the past, but you don’t have a clue how to respond in a different way?

That can be disconcerting for sure. You’re no longer who you were but the new you is stuck in a gooey mess, no longer the caterpillar but where the heck are your wings? How do you find your way through that?

First off, I highly recommend not going it alone. After all, if you don’t know how to respond, how can you be expected to respond in an effective way???

In the world of true kinship, the ‘fake it til you make it’ model is not a prudent way of being.


Sound familiar? Consider joining the upcoming group call Feeling On The Edge. There you will meet a community of like minded folx who get what you’re going through. Actually, they’ve most probably been there themselves and can offer their own ideas and stories will encourage and cheer you on.

If this sounds regenerative and like a good place to be, join me on the callFeeling On The EdgeTuesday, April 23 at 6:00 PM MOUNTAIN and let’s commiserate, share stories and come up with some life renewing workarounds to get you out of the gooey mess.

This live group call dives into what it’s like to not be who you were, but you also haven’t become the new you. You’re stuck somewhere in the messy middle. This call is a place for like minded folx to share stories, witness and support each other with unique experiences and in depth, nuanced conversation.

Simply put, it’s a life raft.

I’ve been in messy goo numerous times and I’ve helped other stuck folx - like you - navigate it. The secret sauce is to do it in community with people who have been there and are open to sharing what helped them get to the other side.

If you’ve been looking for a place like this, where you can sit in comfort and genuine camaraderie for an hour with compatible folx, exploring how the new you can show up in the world, here you go. You are welcomed and supported here as you nurture and tend to your truth. I’d love to have you there!

Wherever you are in your relationship with animals, it can always be deepened.

Feeling On the Edge” is a part of the  new offering of Live Group Calls. The calls are intentionally kept intimate with no more than 10 folx attending.  They are based on live attendance and are not recorded. They are a place to hold safe conversations that are deep and genuine, with the potential of sustaining ongoing change in your relationship with animals, in relationship to yourself and in relationship to other call members. If desired, attendees will have a chance to share what’s currently unfolding between yourself and animals. If it’s welcomed, I might ask questions to deepen the conversation. This is a place where your story is witnessed, not fixed or taken away. What’s expressed here is confidential.

Thank you for being part of the true kinship with animals community. I look forward to seeing your smiling face on the call!


Intuition, Imagination, Relationship & Integration


I Am Tattooed