What’s The Rush?

One of the consequences of living in a colonized society is feeling the need to act from a sense of urgency. Everything has to be done NOW, drop what you’re doing and produce NOW. It leaves us - at least me - with the feeling that what I’m doing at that moment in time is insignificant and frivolous. Not worthwhile in the bigger picture - with that bigger picture being defined by someone other than me.

Do you experience that? If so, join the call! Let’s commiserate, share stories and come up with some useful workarounds for that expectation of rush and urgency!

I’m offering you a dedicated time and place to join me in a live group call Saturday, March 23 at 10:00 AM Mountain

This live group call is built on exploring the expectation and pressure behind always needing to be in a hurry, to live with a ‘forced urgency’. It offers a place for in depth, nuanced conversation, and a dive into how to set the rush aside and learn to implement a pause.

We explore what it might be like to relate with animals without feeling that sting of rush and false urgency. We consider how taking that pause changes how they might interact with us.

The call is a place of support and perseverance while at the same time not holding expectations of how our conversation ‘should’ or will evolve.

Join The Call

Maybe you remembered you’ve been meaning to look for a place like this, where you can sit in comfort and genuine camaraderie for an hour with like-minded folx, exploring how making small changes can change your life big time. Maybe that desire for engaging in a like-minded group got pushed to the back of your mind in the hurly burly of life. If so, I invite you to attend. You are welcomed and supported here as you nurture and tend to your truth with animals.

This call is a part of the new offering of Live Group Calls. The calls are intentionally kept intimate with no more than 10 folx attending. They are based on live attendance and are not recorded. They are a place to hold safe conversations that are deep and genuine, with the potential of sustaining ongoing change in your relationship with animals. If desired, attendees will have a chance to share what’s currently unfolding between yourself and animals. If it’s welcomed, I might ask questions to deepen the conversation. This is a place where your story is witnessed, not fixed or taken away. What’s expressed here is confidential.

I’d love to have you there!

Come with your questions, your stories. Wherever you are in your relationship with animals, it can always be deepened.


Podcast Ep 84 Guest Angel Sullivan


Podcast Ep 22: Finding A Reputable Animal Communicator